
Mai Little AlienのHPをリニューアルしました。スマホ&タブレットに対応するようになりました。

Weathered Beer Celebration 2020


I will be displaying my Jeans at Weathered Beer Celebration again this year!

Weathered is a beer event and art show celebrating extreme beer styles. The styles of beer include imperial stout, barleywine, hazy IPA and Gueuze. Basically, it is a beer event run by beer nerd prepared for super connoisseur beer audiences!

Event website: Weathered Beer Celebration (Instagram)(Twitter

Venue:Heritage Hall, 3102 Main Street Vancouver, BC, Canada

Date & Time:January 25 & 26, 2020

Tickets: must be pre-purchased prior to the event

Beer List is HERE!

*the tickets are still available, so please come and check it out if you are wondering ^^ This event received many good feedbacks by attendees from last year! Hope to see you at the event :-D


今年もWeathered Beer Celebration に参加させていただきます(^0^)去年の記事はこちら〜

Weathered は特殊なビールのみを扱った、大規模な試飲会です。今年で2回目の開催になります。

公式サイト: Weathered Beer Celebration (Instagram)(Twitter

会場:Heritage Hall, 3102 Main Street Vancouver, BC, Canada


チケット購入: 購入にはイベント当日に満19歳である必要があります。



今年はマグナムサイズのオーバーオールを制作させて頂きました\( ˆoˆ )/


This year I’ve made an over-all jeans for magnum bottle. It is Magnum Pants!

